Please note that carts should be out by 7:00 AM as pick-up times may change without notice. If a scheduled pick-up falls on a holiday, the pick up will be pushed back a day. Please also see the 2021 Collection Calendar above.
After pick-up is complete, please move your carts at least 33' from the centerline of the roadway. This allows the road right-of-way to be clear of all garbage and recycling carts. Also, the Town of Grafton asks that you please screen your carts from view along the public roads. Thank you for your cooperation!
Special Note Regarding Lost or Stolen Carts:
Even though the carts are property of Advanced Disposal, the property owner is still responsible for them. If they are lost or stolen, the cost of replacement carts is also the responsibility of the property owner. The Town of Grafton recommends documentation of the serial number listed on the cart; therefore, this information could be shared with law enforcement should you choose to report stolen property in an event the carts are taken.